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Empower Yourself

Gain awareness of the underlying causes of your health condition

What will the assessment consist of?

The Medical Intuitive Assessment will cover an assessment of the energetic body. The client will receive a report in PDF form and is usually 8-12  pages of detailed information consisting of five main areas, which are as follows:

  • Energy Balance: This is the relationship of the mind/body connection. Simply put, this is how the mind relates to the body and how well we understand the information.
  • Energy Blocks: This is an interpretation of the mind/body connection and how our thoughts affect our body. 
  • Emotional Blocks: These are energetic areas of congestion in the body caused by not processing emotions and allowing healing to take place. Often just bringing these issues to a conscious level to the individual assists in the healing process. Emotional blocks are recognized as stress-related factors in our society.
  • Energy Intake Assessment: Suggestions will be offered of how to improve your energy function 
  • Recommendations: After careful evaluation of the energetic content, references will be offered in this section that generally includes professionals from our current medical model as well as alternatives to assist you on the path of well-being.

Follow Up Call, once the evaluation is completed and sent to you, a specific date and time will be determined for a zoom conversation which lasts approximately 30-45 mins to go over the report with you in more detail.

Name and Age is all that I require to conduct a Medical Intuitive Assessments, these are done via distance; therefore, it is not necessary to be physically present to have an assessment done.

All clients will be sent the Terms of Service before their session. 

*This report is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.  It is an intuitive evaluation based on the concepts of interpretation of energy in the human body and must be handled in such a manner. The intention of such a report is to aid in the process of overall understanding of human function and behaviour using intuition as an assessment tool.


As a Certified Medical Intuitive, I have highly trained intuition and hightened extra sensory perceptive abilities. This is used in assessing the bioenergtic field in the clients subtle energetic body, provide intuitive healing and imparting practical understanding of health to clients. I help people get to the root of “dis-ease” in order to heal it completely and move forward in a supportive, holistic and effective way.

In western medicine, this is commonly noted that “stress” causes illness. The precise nature of that “stress” is something that Medical Intuition is able to identify. Ultimately that stress is meant to help us grow and evolve.

It can be very difficult to uncover subconscious beliefs and underlying energy blockages which cause pain and suffering on ones own.

I uncover that which needs understanding, being the underlying, root causes of your health condition and I provide recommendations to bring forth the highest version of yourself.

Enhancing personal empowerment and giving you tools for assisting optimal health and well-being.

book your Medical INTUITIVE Assessment

What is Medical Intuition?

Medical Intuition is based on the concepts of energy medicine.

We exist in an electromagnetic universe, solar system and planet and are all bioelectrical with their our own electromagnetic field.

Our body and Soul are designed to have energy moving freely throughout our system through energy pathways, known as; channels, meridians, vortexes and acupressure points. When energy gets stuck in certain areas of the body or Soul, as a Medical Intuitive I perceive the information relevant to the energetic blockage. When our body, emotions or thoughts do not reflect the blueprint or full potential in our Soul, it gets our attention through pain, sensations, feelings and life experiences. We call these “energetic blockages”. If we aren’t getting the messages correctly or doing anything about them, eventually those energetic blockages manifest as “illness” and more experiences to teach us to pay attention.

In Medical Intuition, the information about a client’s energy blocks is obtained from the unconscious creation of the client. All thoughts, feelings and Soul imprints are available from the client's own energy field. This information can be accessed from anywhere making a Medical Intuitive Assessment possible remotely.

Like tuning in to a radio station I can tune my senses into a person’s energetic blocks to gain information about why it’s there and how it is healed.

I do not diagnose.

What is a Medical Intuitive Assessment?

A Medical Intuitive Assessment is focused on utilizing intuition to understand the role of psychological, emotional and spiritual stressors in disease.

It is a way to assess energy fields, pathways and chakras to determine how they might be negatively affected by internal or external stressors that can cause tension, and ultimately disease, in the body. 

Intuitive Assessments are done through remote viewing. Intuition as a tool is used to access energetic information from the physical body. 

Benefits of a Medical Intuitive Assessment?

A Medical Intuitive Assessment can help you get a better sense of the underlying causes of your health condition and to understand how your body ultimately reflects what your mind thinks.

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How it Works

In this universe, which is based on the law of attraction, like is drawn to like.  You can only experience something you are a vibrational match to.  This means, you ‘lined up with’ that physical cause in the physical dimension because of the deeper, emotional and mental cause.

Unresolved wounds of our emotional body serve as the blueprint for our physical ailments. ailments are ultimately the byproduct of unresolved trauma.

An ailment is always a manifestation of a prior vibration that has been active within you.  It is nothing more than a magnification or an exaggeration of the root cause.

The root cause of our problems is in fact trauma; emotional and mental trauma that is unresolved. Ailments begin mentally and emotionally.  They then become physical.  The physical cause of the illness that you are experiencing, is just that, it is a manifestation of a deeper mental and emotional root cause.  Often, We are not conscious of the reaction in our body to our thoughts and subsequent emotions. The root cause of our ailments began emotionally and mentally way back in childhood. All too often, we survive trauma and dissociate from it instead of moving through it to complete it.  If we do not find a way to resolve the trauma, it becomes an ailment. 

It impedes our expansion.  It causes the energetic blueprint of our being to be affected and the physical body manifests as a direct response to that blueprint.  You can only experience something you are a vibrational match to. Thoughts and emotions even affect gene expression.

Of course, if you were conscious of all the processes taking place in your mind and body, you would always choose health. We are unaware of most of what is going on in our minds and emotions and bodies.

We are being called to awaken and to make changes.

I approach it from an energetic standpoint, a mental standpoint, an emotional standpoint and a physical standpoint, but please remember that the physical standpoint is quite literally the tip of the iceberg and unless the greater part of the iceberg is addressed, any physical step you take to cure the ailment, will likely fall short.


Energy is a transferable commodity, it exists everywhere in our environment. Our planet is made up of Electro-magnetic fields and energy is a part of this existence. We have all experienced thinking of someone, only to hear from that person within moments. That is energy moving through a form of telekinetic transportation. A person’s energy body has the same ability to transmit. There is no difference in assessing a person through distance or in close proximity, the accuracy is the same.

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